Lavinia O'Connor follows as nanny.
Adam Riche at The Royal Theatre, gives Fenella Twinley and Neville Books vication from the Theatre to participate at the funual, since they both are from Lewinton Shire.
Adam Riche sends his son, Raymond Riche, with them, to keep an eye on Fenella Twinley and Neville Books.
Queen Beatrice insist her brother, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer, follows them as bodyguard with his wife, Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chetzer.
At Mareton, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally awaits them.
Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally joins The 15th Prince with his lover Selina Backer and his liuetanant Eli Backer and his girlfriend, Finola Milies.
At Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.
At the end of Late Summer, the party reache Lewinton Town, they split up.
The 15th Prince and Princess Beatrice of Chetzer, their children, The 16th Prince, and the Princesses Rebecca and Melissa, their bodyguards, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer and Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chezter, their nanny, Lavinia O'Conner settles in a vacant appartment at the casle.
Pricess Melissa marries Monty Larson.
Pricess Melissa Larson gives birth to Jasper Larson.
Pricess Melissa Larson gives birth to Rachelle Larson.
Jasper Larson starts as guard at Kingston.
Lavinia O'Connor follows as nanny.
Adam Riche at The Royal Theatre, gives Fenella Twinley and Neville Books vication from the Theatre to participate at the funual, since they both are from Lewinton Shire.
Adam Riche sends his son, Raymond Riche, with them, to keep an eye on Fenella Twinley and Neville Books.
Queen Beatrice insist her brother, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer, follows them as bodyguard with his wife, Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chetzer.
At Mareton, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally awaits them.
Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally joins The 15th Prince with his lover Selina Backer and his liuetanant Eli Backer and his girlfriend, Finola Milies.
At Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.
At the end of Late Summer, the party reache Lewinton Town, they split up.
The 15th Prince and Princess Beatrice of Chetzer, their children, The 16th Prince, and the Princesses Rebecca and Melissa, their bodyguards, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer and Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chezter, their nanny, Lavinia O'Conner settles in a vacant appartment at the casle.
Rachelle Larson starts as guard at Kingston.
Andrew Chetzer falls in love whit his cousin Rachelle Larson.
To stop the fighting between Patricia Chetzer and Princess Rachelle, her mother, Princess Melissa Larson, persuades The 16th King to appoint Patricia Chetzer as bodyguard for Princess Donna, and Andrew Chetzer remains as bodyguard for Princess Rachelle.
The unmarried Sir John Fern of Guttric likes Lady Stefani of Wondon, suggests he marrys her, to form an allience.
Princess Melissa, the aunt of Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon comes visiting them at Wondon castle, and gets acccommidated at the appartment of Lady Stefani.
You knew about this, Lady Stefani asks har aunt Princess Melissa Larson?
Princess Melissa Larson admits, she knew. Their uncle, The 16th King, thinks, an allience between Guttric and Wondon will be good for Sir William of Wondon, so has set up the marriage.
Lady Stefani agrees to pay Sir John Fern of Guttric a visit, to see, who he is.
At The Reception Hall, Lady Stefani of Wondon declines a marries to the old John Fern of Guttric. he's to old and she doesn't love him.
Sir William of Wondon points out to his sister, Lady Stefani, they can't decline a friendship with Guttric, because Wondon Shire is wery weaked by the wars against Malbrough, and he plans to marry their cousin, Prinsess Donna for the same reason.
Lady Stefani thinks their cousin, Princess Donna Louise is horrible, and she's only 16, but he can marry her, if he like to, but she's rather marrying a common thieve, than marry Sir John Fern of Guttric, she declares.
Princess Melissa has ewpected not thing else from the daughter of her rebelous sister, Lady Rebecca of Wondon. Rebacca never did, what she was
A week later in the afternoon, William of Wondon has summoned Lady Stefani of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric, Princess Melissa Larson, Captain Nicolas Meligan, eho brings Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone from the dungeon as prisoners, to deside on a penelty over the thieves.
Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone admit to steal the chest of gold, some money from The Old Witch, the medalion of Lady Stefani of Wondon and a bottle of contraception potion, and when running away from the bill at The Old Witch.
While Philip Arden admits to his crimes, Lady Stefani of Wondon gets aroused by his beauty, and whispers to her brother, Sir William of Wondon, that he must give Philip to her to marry her.
Dear sister, he knows, it will be some kind of punishment, to be married to her, but she's going to marry Sir John Fern of Guttric, Sir William answers.
Shall I tell, how Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh was about to kill you, when I piresed him with an arrow, Lady Stefani whisperly replies, and contiues: I'm going to tell everybody, if you do not marry Philip Arden to me. I wants him.
Annoyed Sir William of Wondon loudly pronaces, he will punish Philip Arden with, being married to his sister, Lady Stefani of Wondon, and put Miranda Calzone back in chains at the dungeon, he adds.
While Captain Nicolas Meligan drags, the crying Miranda Calzone to the dungeon, and Lady Stefani of Wondon puts her new husband in a harness, and takes the bottle of contraception potion and walks away witb him, while Sir John Fern of Guttric leaves The Reception Hall in anger.
Princess Melissa Larson addresses Sir William of Wondon, she doesn't know, what problems your sister has got you in to, but she'r going to Guttric Castle, and try to clear up this mess.
Next morning, Princess Melissa Larson follows the sad and mad Johm Fern of Guttric back to Guttric Castle.
Princess Melissa Larson, thanks for the continuation of allience with with Wondon. and goes home to inform the The 16th King.